HD Tune Pro | Download | TechTudo
14 Nov 2018 You can even get to know the temperature of your selected hard drive through HD Tune. However, the primary purpose for which it is designed is HD Tune Pro 5.75. Strona główna Windows Narzędzia Testowanie i diagnostyka. Благодаря HD Tune Pro вы сможете следить за состоянием здоровья жесткого Хотя в Windows 10 есть намек на функции по уходу за жестким диском, 28 Nov 2019 HD Tune Pro is a hard disk / SSD utility with many functions. You can install this PC software on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit. HD Tune скачать бесплатно на русском языке для Windows 7, 8, 10, Xp, Vista последняя версия - удобная, надёжная утилита для проверки и анализа 31 янв 2020 Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 2000 Windows 7 Windows 8 - 10/10. HD Tune Pro также сканирует системы компьютера и ищет
Windows uses the binary notation where 1 KB equals to 1024 bytes. Although generally HD Tune Pro uses the binary notation, for showing the hard drive 14 Nov 2018 You can even get to know the temperature of your selected hard drive through HD Tune. However, the primary purpose for which it is designed is HD Tune Pro 5.75. Strona główna Windows Narzędzia Testowanie i diagnostyka. Благодаря HD Tune Pro вы сможете следить за состоянием здоровья жесткого Хотя в Windows 10 есть намек на функции по уходу за жестким диском, 28 Nov 2019 HD Tune Pro is a hard disk / SSD utility with many functions. You can install this PC software on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit.
HD Tune is a Hard Disk utility which has the functions: Measures the performance, shows detailed information, checks the health status by using SMART, scans the HD Tune Pro | Download | TechTudo 30/08/2010 · O HD Tune é um programa que possibilita o monitoramento dos discos rígidos. Ele analisa diversos aspectos do disco, oferecendo gráficos e uma interface simples HD Tune İndir - Gezginler 30/10/2019 · HD Tune 2.55 indir - HD Tune bilgisayarınızın sabit diski hakkında performans, veri transfer oranı, ulaşma zamanı, cpu kullanımı, harddisk üretim bilgileri, sıcaklık gibi bilgileri gösterebilen ücretsiz bir …
HD Tune Free Download for Windows 10, 7, 8/8.1 …
HD Tune Pro is a hard disk / SSD utility with many functions. users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10. Утилита взаимодействует с Windows 7, 8, 9, 10, Vista, XP и интерфейсами типа SCSI, SATA, IDE. Размер программы 1 Мб. Скачать бесплатно HD Tune Pro Windows uses the binary notation where 1 KB equals to 1024 bytes. Although generally HD Tune Pro uses the binary notation, for showing the hard drive 14 Nov 2018 You can even get to know the temperature of your selected hard drive through HD Tune. However, the primary purpose for which it is designed is HD Tune Pro 5.75. Strona główna Windows Narzędzia Testowanie i diagnostyka.